siteconfig successfully imported
AssaultCube v1.2+ Compatible Scripts:
// CTF records script by Bukz

const ignore_time_records_lessthan 2500

check2init this_player_CTF_score_record 0
check2init this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record 0
loop i (listlen $FLAG_ACTIONS) [
  flagalias = (format FLAG_%1 (at $FLAG_ACTIONS $i))
  const $flagalias $i
  addListOnQuit $flagalias
checkinit onSpawn [ if (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) [ this_player_CTF_score = 0; this_player_CTF_initial_pickup_time = 0; this_player_CTF_score_time = 0; this_player_CTF_dropped = 0; old_CTF_shortest_record = $this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record ] ]
checkinit onFlag [
  if (&& (= $arg2 (player1 cn)) (= $gamemode (modenum ctf))) [
    if (&& (= $arg1 $FLAG_STOLEN) (! $this_player_CTF_dropped)) [
      this_player_CTF_initial_pickup_time = (millis)
    ] [
      if (= $arg1 $FLAG_DROPPED) [
        this_player_CTF_dropped = 1
      ] [
        if (= $arg1 $FLAG_LOST) [
          this_player_CTF_dropped = 0
        ] [
          if (= $arg1 $FLAG_SCORED) [
            this_player_CTF_score_time = (millis)
            += this_player_CTF_score 1
            this_player_CTF_dropped = 0
            timetoscore = (- $this_player_CTF_score_time $this_player_CTF_initial_pickup_time)
            if (&& (>= $timetoscore $ignore_time_records_lessthan) (|| (< $timetoscore $this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record) (! $this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record))) [
              this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record = $timetoscore
checkinit onKill [ if (&& (= $arg2 (player1 cn)) (= $gamemode (modenum ctf))) checkCTFrecords ]
const checkCTFrecords [
  if (> $this_player_CTF_score $this_player_CTF_score_record) [
    echo (red)NEW (green)RECORD! (white)Most CTF flags scored in a single life: $this_player_CTF_score
    this_player_CTF_score_record = $this_player_CTF_score
  if (|| (< $this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record $old_CTF_shortest_record) (|| (! $this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record) (! $old_CTF_shortest_record))) [
    echo (red)NEW (green)RECORD! (white)Shortest time spent carrying a CTF flag which you scored: (divf $this_player_CTF_shortest_score_record 1000) seconds
addListOnQuit [ignore_time_records_lessthan FLAG_ACTIONS flagalias this_player_CTF_score this_player_CTF_initial_pickup_time this_player_CTF_score_time this_player_CTF_dropped old_CTF_shortest_record checkCTFrecords]
do while:
// do while by Bukz

// Syntax:
//    do [
//      // body of code here
//      // can span multiple lines/statements
//    ] while [ (expression) ]
 do = [
   targ1 = $arg1
   targ2 = $arg2
   targ3 = $arg3
   if (strcmp $targ2 while) [
     execute $targ1
     tmpExpression = (concat [bool =] $targ3)
     execute $tmpExpression
     if (!= $bool 0) [
       do $targ1 while $targ3
// for by Bukz (requires parsestring & parsestring framework)

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const dofor [
  execute $code
  execute $codestr
  tstr = (concat [bool =] $exprstr)
  execute $tstr
  if (!= $bool 0) dofor

const for [
  if (> $numargs 1) [
    data = $arg1
    code = $arg2
    forceinit [initstr exprstr codestr] []
    numsc = (findAllCharacterPositions $data [;])
    if (&& (!= $numsc -1) (= (listlen $numsc) 2)) [
      sc1 = (at $numsc 0)
      sc2 = (at $numsc 1)
      initstr = (trimAllUnnecessaryWhitespace (substr $data 0 $sc1))
      exprstr = (trimAllUnnecessaryWhitespace (substr $data (+ $sc1 1) (- $sc2 (+ $sc1 1))))
      codestr = (trimAllUnnecessaryWhitespace (substr $data (+ $sc2 1)))
      execute $initstr
      tstr = (concat [bool =] $exprstr)
      execute $tstr
      if (!= $bool 0) dofor

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// for [i = 0; (< $i 10); ++ i] [echo $i]
// Headshot records script by Bukz

check2init this_player_headshot_record 0
check2init this_player_noscope_record 0
checkinit onSpawn [ if (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) [ this_player_headshots = 0; this_player_noscopes = 0 ] ]
checkinit onKill [
  if (&& (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) (!= $arg1 $arg2)) [
    if (&& (curmodeattr team) (!= (player1 team) (player $arg2 team))) [
      if (&& (= $arg3 $SNIPER) (!= $arg4 0)) [
        if (! (player1 scoping)) [ += this_player_noscopes 1 ]
        += this_player_headshots 1
  ] [
    if (= $arg2 (player1 cn)) [
const checkHeadshotRecords [
  if (> $this_player_headshots $this_player_headshot_record) [
    echo (red)NEW (green)RECORD! (white)Most headshots in a single life: $this_player_headshots
    this_player_headshot_record = $this_player_headshots
  if (> $this_player_noscopes $this_player_noscope_record) [
    echo (red)NEW (green)RECORD! (white)Most no-scope headshots in a single life: $this_player_noscopes
    this_player_noscope_record = $this_player_noscopes
addListOnQuit [this_player_headshots this_player_noscopes checkHeadshotRecords]
// Hotkeys script by Bukz

persistidents 0


// loops through all mapped keys (except mouse "keys") and injects code into their binds
  tkey = (findkey $hkl)
  if (!= $tkey -255) [
    keya = (format key%1down $tkey)
    add2bind $tkey (format "%1 = 1; onrelease [ %1 = 0 ]" $keya)
    addListOnQuit $keya
// function to determine if a key is currently being held down, e.g. echo (keydown BACKSPACE) // output: 0 or 1
const keydown [
  istrue = 0
  if $numargs [
    akey = (format key%1down $arg1)
    if (checkalias $akey) [ if (!= (getalias $akey) 0) [ istrue = 1 ] ]
  return $istrue
// function to create the actual hotkeys, injects code into the last keybind of the hotkey sequence
const hotkey [
  if (= $numargs 3) [
    add2bind (toupper $arg2) (format "if (keydown %1) [ %2 ]" (toupper $arg1) $arg3)
  ] [
    if (= $numargs 4) [
      add2bind (toupper $arg3) (format "if (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) [ %3 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) $arg4)
    ] [
      // theres a very good chance hotkey sequences > 3 keys in length will not work on -ANY- keyboard/OS, but we'll try to support up to 9 keys anyways...
      if (= $numargs 5) [
        add2bind (toupper $arg4) (format "if (&& (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) (keydown %3)) [ %4 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) (toupper $arg3) $arg5)
      ] [
        if (= $numargs 6) [
          add2bind (toupper $arg5) (format "if (&& (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) (&& (keydown %3) (keydown %4))) [ %5 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) (toupper $arg3) (toupper $arg4) $arg6)
        ] [
          if (= $numargs 7) [
            add2bind (toupper $arg6) (format "if (&& (&& (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) (&& (keydown %3) (keydown %4))) (keydown %5)) [ %6 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) (toupper $arg3) (toupper $arg4) (toupper $arg5) $arg7)
          ] [
            if (= $numargs 8) [
              add2bind (toupper $arg7) (format "if (&& (&& (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) (&& (keydown %3) (keydown %4))) (&& (keydown %5) (keydown %6))) [ %7 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) (toupper $arg3) (toupper $arg4) (toupper $arg5) (toupper $arg6) $arg8)
            ] [
              if (= $numargs 9) [
                add2bind (toupper $arg8) (format "if (&& (&& (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) (&& (keydown %3) (keydown %4))) (&& (&& (keydown %5) (keydown %6)) (keydown %7))) [ %8 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) (toupper $arg3) (toupper $arg4) (toupper $arg5) (toupper $arg6) (toupper $arg7) $arg9)
              ] [
                if (= $numargs 10) [
                  add2bind (toupper $arg9) (format "if (&& (&& (&& (keydown %1) (keydown %2)) (&& (keydown %3) (keydown %4))) (&& (&& (keydown %5) (keydown %6)) (&& (keydown %7) (keydown %8)))) [ %9 ]" (toupper $arg1) (toupper $arg2) (toupper $arg3) (toupper $arg4) (toupper $arg5) (toupper $arg6) (toupper $arg7) (toupper $arg8) $arg10)

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// hotkey LALT F4 suicide
// hotkey LALT 1 [
//   echo You have the LALT key pressed.
//   onrelease [ echo You released the 1 key. ]
// ]
// hotkey LALT J K [
//   echo You have the LALT key and the J key pressed.
//   onrelease [ echo You released the K key. ]
// ]
// Killstreak records script by Bukz

check2init this_player_killstreak_record 0
checkinit onSpawn [ if (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) [ this_player_killstreak = 0 ] ]
checkinit onKill [
  if (&& (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) (!= $arg1 $arg2)) [
    if (&& (curmodeattr team) (!= (player1 team) (player $arg2 team))) [
      += this_player_killstreak 1
    ] [ += this_player_killstreak 1 ]
  ] [
    if (= $arg2 (player1 cn)) [
const checkKillStreakRecord [
  if (> $this_player_killstreak $this_player_killstreak_record) [
    echo (red)NEW (green)RECORD! (white)Highest killstreak in a single life: $this_player_killstreak
    this_player_killstreak_record = $this_player_killstreak
addListOnQuit [this_player_killstreak checkKillStreakRecord]
Map triggers:
// CubeScript map triggers by Bukz

persistidents 0

// $arg1 = map to add a trigger for
// $arg2 = unique trigger name
// $arg3 = trigger zone (a list of 2 points on a grid: "82 84 56 58" for example, 82 = minX, 84 = maxX, 56 = minY 58 = maxY, indicating a trigger zone of 2x2 cubes)
// $arg4 = trigger action (cubescript to execute upon player1 entering the trigger zone)
// $arg5 = action when not in trigger zone
addmaptrigger = [
  maptoadd = $arg1
  triggername = $arg2
  triggerzone = $arg3
  triggeraction = $arg4
  nottriggeraction = $arg5
  check2init (format %1_triggers $maptoadd) []
  if (! (strstr (MDArray_Get_All_Subarray_Names (format %1_triggers $maptoadd)) $triggername)) [
    // trigger doesn't exist
    MDArray_New_Subarray (format %1_triggers $maptoadd) $triggername (concat (addpunct $triggerzone) (addpunct $triggeraction) (addpunct $nottriggeraction))

doMapTriggers = [
  curmaptriggers = (MDArray_Get_All_Subarray_Names (format %1_triggers (curmap 1)))
  if (listlen $curmaptriggers) [
    loop cmt (listlen $curmaptriggers) [
      curtrigger = (MDArray_Get (format %1_triggers (curmap 1)) (at $curmaptriggers $cmt) -1)
      curzone = (at $curtrigger 0)
      if (&& (checkrange (player1 x) (at $curzone 0) (at $curzone 1)) (checkrange (player1 y) (at $curzone 2) (at $curzone 3))) [
        execute (at $curtrigger 1)
      ] [ execute (at $curtrigger 2) ]
  sleep 0 doMapTriggers

checkinit mapstartalways [ if (checkalias (format %1_triggers (curmap 1))) doMapTriggers ]

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// parsestring by Bukz

const breakparse [ parsebreak = 1 ]
const doparse [
  parselen = (strlen $strtoparse)
  loop dpl $parselen [
    if $parsebreak break [
      if $parsebackwards [
        $charcontainer = (substr $strtoparse (- (- $parselen $dpl) 1) 1)
        (format __%1 $charcontainer) = (- (- $parselen $dpl) 1)
      ] [
        $charcontainer = (substr $strtoparse $dpl 1)
        (format __%1 $charcontainer) = $dpl
      execute $parsecode
const parsestring [
  if (> $numargs 2) [
    strtoparse = $arg1
    charcontainer = $arg2
    parsecode = $arg3
    if (> $numargs 3) [
      parsebackwards = $arg4
    ] [ parsebackwards = 0 ]
    parsebreak = 0
addListOnQuit [breakparse parsebreak doparse parselen strtoparse parsebackwards charcontainer dpl parsecode parsestring]
// parsestring framework by Bukz

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// make helpful consts for use with (testchar)
loop cel (listlen $CHARACTERTESTS) [
  const (at $CHARACTERTESTS $cel) $cel
  addListOnQuit (at $CHARACTERTESTS $cel)
// string manip helper functions below
// trimAllUnnecessaryWhitespace - Returns a modified string after removing any unnecessary leading and trailing whitespace from the original.
// $arg1 = string to modify
const trimAllUnnecessaryWhitespace [
  strtotrim = $arg1
  forceinit [charsbegin charsend] -1
  parsestring $strtotrim tch [
    if (! (testchar $tch $ISWHITESPACE)) [
      charsbegin = $__tch
  parsestring $strtotrim thc [
    if (! (testchar $thc $ISWHITESPACE)) [
      charsend = $__thc
  ] 1
  if (&& (&& (!= $charsbegin -1) (!= $charsend -1)) (!= $charsbegin $charsend)) [
    return (substr $strtotrim $charsbegin (- (+ $charsend 1) $charsbegin))
  ] [ return $strtotrim ]
// trimAllWhitespace - Returns a modified string after removing any whitespace characters from the original.
// $arg1 = string to modify
const trimAllWhitespace [
  strtotrim = $arg1
  trimmedstr = []
  parsestring $strtotrim twh [
    if (! (testchar $twh $ISWHITESPACE)) [
      trimmedstr = (concatword $trimmedstr $twh)
  return $trimmedstr
// capitalizeFirst - Returns a modified string with the first character capitalized. (if possible)
// $arg1 = string to modify
// Warning: Also trims all unnecessary leading and trailing whitespace.
const capitalizeFirst [
  strtomanip = (trimAllUnnecessaryWhitespace $arg1)
  manipedstr = []
  parsestring $strtomanip cfc [
    if $__cfc breakparse [
      if (testchar $cfc $ISALPHA) [
        manipedstr = (concatword $manipedstr (toupper $cfc))
      ] [ manipedstr = (concatword $manipedstr $cfc) ]
  if (testchar $manipedstr $ISUPPERCASE) [
    return (concatword $manipedstr (substr $strtomanip 1))
  ] [ return $strtomanip ]
// useful generic parsing functions below
// isCharList - Returns a boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether or not the specified list is a simple list of character data. (every element's strlen == 1)
// $arg1 = list to check
const isCharList [
  isch = 1
  if (! (listlen $arg1)) [ isch = 0 ] [
    loop icl (listlen $arg1) [
      if (!= (strlen (at $arg1 $icl)) 1) [
        isch = 0
  return $isch
// replacechar - Returns a string with a single character replaced with a new one.
// $arg1 = string to modify
// $arg2 = character position (integer) to modify in the string
// $arg3 = new character to replace $arg2 position with
const replacechar [
  strtomod = $arg1
  charpos = $arg2
  newch = $arg3
  moddedstr = []
  if (&& (&& (strlen $strtomod) (= (strlen $newch) 1)) (&& (> $charpos -1) (< $charpos (strlen $strtomod)))) [
    parsestring $strtomod rcp [
      if (= $charpos $__rcp) [
        moddedstr = (concatword $moddedstr $newch)
      ] [ moddedstr = (concatword $moddedstr $rcp) ]
    return $moddedstr
  ] [ return $strtomod ]
// findAllCharacterPositions - Returns a list of character positions (integers) in a string that match a specified character.
// $arg1 = string to inspect
// $arg2 = character to search for
const findAllCharacterPositions [
  haystackstr = $arg1
  needlechar = $arg2
  needlepositions = []
  parsestring $haystackstr hsl [
    if (strcmp $hsl $needlechar) [ add2list needlepositions $__hsl ]
  if (listlen $needlepositions) [ return $needlepositions ] [
    return -1
// replaceAllCharacters - Returns a string with multiple characters replaced with new ones.
// $arg1 = string to modify
// $arg2 = list of character positions (integers) to modify
// $arg3 = list of new characters to replace $arg2 positions with
// Warning: Lists $arg2 and $arg3 must be the exact same length.
const replaceAllCharacters [
  strtoreplace = $arg1
  charstoreplace = $arg2
  newchars = $arg3
  replacedstr = $strtoreplace
  charlistlen = (listlen $newchars)
  if (&& (= (listlen $charstoreplace) $charlistlen) (isCharList $newchars)) [
    loop ral $charlistlen [
      replacedstr = (replacechar $replacedstr (at $charstoreplace $ral) (at $newchars $ral))
    return $replacedstr
  ] [ return $strtoreplace ]

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Smooth sniper scope zoom:
// Smooth sniper scope zoom with mouse wheel script by Bukz

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const ZOOM_SMOOTH 1                         // set to 0 to disable smooth zooming
const ZOOM_SMOOTH_MILLIS_BETWEEN_CHANGES 15 // milliseconds between scopefov changes for smooth zooming
const ZOOM_DEFAULT_SCOPEFOV 50              // default scopefov for when you first scope in
const ZOOM_SCOPEFOV_INCREMENT 10            // change scopefov by this much on every tick of the mouse wheel

const isany [ bool = 0; looplist $arg2 ia [ if (strcmp $ia $arg1) [ bool = 1; break ] ]; return $bool ]
const validscopefov [ return (checkrange $arg1 5 60) ]

const doscope [
  if (! $numargs) [
    setscope 1
    onrelease [ setscope 0 ]
  ] [
    newfov = -1
    if (isany $arg1 [in 1 +]) [
      oper = -
      newfov = (- $scopefov $ZOOM_SCOPEFOV_INCREMENT)
      dif = (- $scopefov $newfov)
    ] [
      if (isany $arg1 [out 0 -]) [
        oper = +
        newfov = (+ $scopefov $ZOOM_SCOPEFOV_INCREMENT)
        dif = (- $newfov $scopefov)
    if (validscopefov $newfov) [
      if $ZOOM_SMOOTH [
        loop sf $dif [
          sleep (* $ZOOM_SMOOTH_MILLIS_BETWEEN_CHANGES $sf) [
            newfov = ($oper $scopefov 1)
            if (validscopefov $newfov) [ scopefov $newfov ]
      ] [ scopefov $newfov ]
altaction_5 = doscope
delta_game_0 = [
  if (&& (= (curweapon) $SNIPER) (player1 scoping)) [
    if (= $arg1 1) [ doscope + ] [ doscope - ]
  ] [
    if (= $arg1 1) [ shiftweapon 1 ] [ shiftweapon -1 ]

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Special textures menu:
// Special textures menu by Bukz

persistidents 0

showedSTMWarning = 0
curTexType = 1

const SPECIAL_TEXTURE_CATEGORIES [Doors Windows Lights Wood]

 // 1 forces this texture to always be placed on walls, regardless of the menuitemslider
  221 "Door #1 (1x8)" 1
  224 "Door #2 (1x8)" 1
  192 "Door #3 (1x4)" 1
  222 "Door #4 (1x4)" 1
  223 "Door #5 (1x4)" 1
  225 "Door #6 (1x4)" 1
  226 "Door #7 (1x4)" 1
  227 "Door #8 (1x4)" 1
  228 "Door #9 (1x4)" 1
  229 "Object #1 (1x8)" 1

const SPECIAL_TEXTURE_Windows [
  187 "Window #1" 1
  215 "Window #2" 1
  216 "Window #3" 1
  217 "Window #4" 1
  218 "Window #5" 1
  219 "Window #6" 1
  220 "Window #7" 1
  249 "Window #8" 1

// 2 forces this texture to always be placed on ceilings, regardless of the menuitemslider
const SPECIAL_TEXTURE_Lights [
  206 "Light #1 (4x4)" 2
  209 "Light #2a (x, 1x2)" 2
  210 "Light #2b (x, 1x2)" 2
  207 "Light #2a (y, 1x2)" 2
  208 "Light #2b (y, 1x2)" 2

// -1 allows clients to use the menuitemslider to choose where to place the texture (floor/wall/ceil/upper-wall)
  124 "Wood #1 (horizontal/x)" -1
  123 "Wood #1 (vertical/y)" -1
  121 "Wood #2 (horizontal/x)" -1
  122 "Wood #2 (vertical/y)" -1

  c_menuname = (format [Special Textures - %1] $cst)
  c_menualias = (format SPECIAL_TEXTURE_%1 $cst)
  c_menucontent = (getalias $c_menualias)
  newmenu $c_menuname
  loop gst (div (listlen $c_menucontent) 3) [
    c_iter = (* $gst 3)
    c_texid = (at $c_menucontent $c_iter)
    c_texnm = (at $c_menucontent (+ $c_iter 1))
    c_textp = (at $c_menucontent (+ $c_iter 2))
    execute (format [menuitem %1 [ settex %2 %3 ] [ lasttextp = %4; if (!= $lasttextp -1) [ curTexType = $lasttextp ] ]] (addpunct $c_texnm) $c_texid "$curTexType" $c_textp)
  menuitemslider [Place texture on: ] 0 3 "$curTexType" 1 [floor wall ceiling upper-wall] [ curTexType = $arg1 ]

newmenu [Special Textures]
menuinit [ if (! $showedSTMWarning) [ showedSTMWarning = 1; echo (red)Warning: (white)Textures in this menu may only work if you are using an unmodified copy of /config/default_map_settings.cfg ] ]
  execute (format [menuitem [%1] [ showmenu [%2] ]] $gst (format [Special Textures - %1] $gst))

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// strswitch by Bukz

persistidents 0

trimallunnecessarywhitespace = [
  oldstr = $arg1
  charsbegin = 0
  charsend = 0
  loop kal (strlen $oldstr) [
    curchar = (substr $oldstr $kal 1)
    if (testchar $curchar 7) continue [
      charsbegin = $kal
  loop kal (strlen $oldstr) [
    curchar = (substr $oldstr (- (- (strlen $oldstr) $kal) 1) 1)
    if (testchar $curchar 7) continue [
      charsend = (- (- (strlen $oldstr) $kal) 1)
  if (!= $charsbegin $charsend) [
    return (substr $oldstr $charsbegin (- (+ $charsend 1) $charsbegin))
  ] [ return $oldstr ]
strswitch = [
  tofind = $arg1
  loop ssl (- $numargs 1) [
    tmpargcontent = (getalias (format arg%1 (+ $ssl 2)))
    if (strlen $tmpargcontent) [
      casepos = (findlist $tmpargcontent case)
      if (!= $casepos -1) [
        casename = (at $tmpargcontent (+ $casepos 1))
        if (strcmp $tofind $casename) [
          caseplusname = (format [case %1] $casename)
          codetoexecute = (strreplace $tmpargcontent $caseplusname [])
          execute (trimallunnecessarywhitespace $codetoexecute)

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// Weapon accuracies script by Bukz

onMapStr = []
looplist $WEAPONS i [
  attackalias = (format player1_%1attacks $i)
  hitalias = (format player1_%1hits $i)
  add2list onMapStr (format [%1 = 0;] $attackalias)
  add2list onMapStr (format [%1 = 0;] $hitalias)
  addListOnQuit $attackalias
  addListOnQuit $hitalias
checkinit mapstartalways $onMapStr
checkinit onAttack [ += (format player1_%1attacks (at $WEAPONS $arg1)) 1 ]
checkinit onHit [
  if (&& (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) (!= $arg1 $arg2)) [
    if (&& (curmodeattr team) (!= (player1 team) (player $arg2 team))) [ // don't increment team damage hits
      += (format player1_%1hits (at $WEAPONS $arg4)) 1
    ] [ += (format player1_%1hits (at $WEAPONS $arg4)) 1 ]
const getAccuracy [
  if (&& $numargs (checkrange $arg1 0 (- $NUM_WEAPONS 1))) [
    curweap = (at $WEAPONS $arg1)
    curattacks = (getalias (format player1_%1attacks $curweap))
    curhits = (getalias (format player1_%1hits $curweap))
    curaccuracy = (*f (divf $curhits $curattacks) 100)
    return $curaccuracy
  ] [ return -1 ]
const printAccuracy [ echo (format [%1: %2%3 (%4/%5)] $curweap $curaccuracy (addpunct [] $PERCENT) $curhits $curattacks) ]
const showAccuracies [
  if (&& $numargs (!= (getAccuracy $arg1) -1)) [
  ] [
    loop i $NUM_WEAPONS [
      if (= $i $CPISTOL) continue [ // cpistol is still not fully implemented
        getAccuracy $i
addListOnQuit [onMapStr attackalias hitalias getAccuracy printAccuracy showAccuracies curweap curattacks curhits curaccuracy]
AssaultCube v1.1.0.4 Compatible Scripts:
Smooth sniper scope zoom:
// Smooth sniper scope zoom with mouse wheel script by Bukz (1104)

ZOOM_SMOOTH = 1                         // set to 0 to disable smooth zooming
ZOOM_SMOOTH_MILLIS_BETWEEN_CHANGES = 15 // milliseconds between scopefov changes for smooth zooming
ZOOM_DEFAULT_SCOPEFOV = 50              // default scopefov for when you first scope in
ZOOM_SCOPEFOV_INCREMENT = 10            // change scopefov by this much on every tick of the mouse wheel

isany = [ bool = 0; loop ia (listlen $arg2) [ if (strcmp (at $arg2 $ia) $arg1) [ bool = 1 ] ]; result $bool ]
checkrange = [ if (&& (>=f $arg1 $arg2) (<=f $arg1 $arg3)) [ result 1 ] [ result 0 ] ]
validscopefov = [ result (checkrange $arg1 5 60) ]
player1scoping = 0

doscope = [
  if (! $numargs) [
    setscope 1
    player1scoping = 1
    onrelease [ setscope 0; player1scoping = 0 ]
  ] [
    newfov = -1
    if (isany $arg1 [in 1 +]) [
      oper = -
      newfov = (- $scopefov $ZOOM_SCOPEFOV_INCREMENT)
      dif = (- $scopefov $newfov)
    ] [
      if (isany $arg1 [out 0 -]) [
        oper = +
        newfov = (+ $scopefov $ZOOM_SCOPEFOV_INCREMENT)
        dif = (- $newfov $scopefov)
    if (validscopefov $newfov) [
      if $ZOOM_SMOOTH [
        loop sf $dif [
          sleep (* $ZOOM_SMOOTH_MILLIS_BETWEEN_CHANGES $sf) [
            newfov = ($oper $scopefov 1)
            if (validscopefov $newfov) [ scopefov $newfov ]
      ] [ scopefov $newfov ]
altaction_5 = doscope
delta_game_0 = [
  if (&& (= (curweapon) 5) $player1scoping) [
    if (= $arg1 1) [ doscope + ] [ doscope - ]
  ] [
    if (= $arg1 1) [ shiftweapon 1 ] [ shiftweapon -1 ]